Friday, October 23, 2015

Red Ribbon Week October 26-30

Red Ribbon Week is this coming week, October 26-30.

Monday - Twin Day (dress the same as a friend)

Tuesday - Wear athletic team apparel

Wednesday - Wear red and bring your electronics to listen to music at school.

Thursday - Dress like a superhero.

Friday - Show your KHS Feeder Pattern Spirit and wear your KHS spirit wear or navy and gold.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

TEAL Team Citizenship Party

On Wednesday evening, October 21, all Teal pod students earned the Citizenship Party at Tornado Terry's in Keller.  They will be closed to the public and open only for the Teal students.  It is $5 per student to play games with their classmates from 6-8 pm.  Mrs. Place and Mrs. Crouse will be there.  Yes, you can bring a friend or sibling!!  We look forward to seeing you at Tornado Terry's, Wednesday, October 21st from 6-8pm.

Tornado Terry's Website

Friday, October 9, 2015

Some of our Science Experiments in September

Wanted to share some things we have been learning in Science.
We started out the year reviewing Lab Safety Rules.  Students created posters of correct lab behavior and incorrect behavior.  They also created skits to go along with their posters.

We then moved into looking at all of the tools we will be using this year.

Studying the Scientific Method with a paper airplane lab!  How cool is it to be able to throw paper airplanes at school???



Just a reminder that Monday, October 12th is a holiday for all students.  See them on Tuesday!  Have a great long weekend!

Report Cards are coming home today if you requested a paper copy.  If not, report cards are now available for you to view on HAC. (Home access)  If you need help getting onto HAC, please get in touch with the front office.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Reminders......for October 2nd!!!

*  Just a reminder of our Early Release Day tomorrow.  Please make sure your child knows how they will be getting home at 11:45.  Sack lunches will be available to purchase if needed.
*  Also, tomorrow is the LAST day of the first six weeks.  If your child has received any assignments they can correct to raise their grade, it is their responsibility to turn those in to us tomorrow.
*  Picture day is also tomorrow.  Even if you are not purchasing pictures, all students will be photographed as this picture will be used in our yearbook.
*  Multiplication Baseball can be turned in either tomorrow or Monday.  Not all students are working on this project.

Any questions, please let me know!!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Supplies Needed!

Throughout the year I will list supplies that we may need for upcoming labs in Science.  If you are available to help supply any of  these items, your help would be greatly appreciated.  Some items needed for upcoming labs are:

8 -  2 liter bottles of coke or root beer
4 -  tubs vanilla ice cream
Plastic Solo Type Cups - at least 50 (color does not matter)
The above items are needed by Tuesday, September 29th for a lab.

Colored File Folders - any color (need 100 total)
Package of Paper Protectors (you slide papers into them)

If you can send me an email if you are able to bring anything, that would be great!  Please send any of these items to school with your child labeled to Mrs. Place.  :)

I sooo appreciate it!

Don't forget to join BCI PTA

Don't forget to join BCI PTA.  The PTA does so many wonderful things for our students with your support!  PTA drive ends next week!!